So this blog is not always going to be about paintball. That does take up the majority of our time, but I also like to do about any Craft Thing there is. This is my latest project.

Now, don't think I am into recycling, but I am doing my part for the environment with this one. This is a bag that I crocheted entirely out of grocery bags. Now don't DIS it, because, I know that you will all want one just as soon as you see them. Just admit it!
I just finished the yellow and white one at work last night. It is made from Wal-Mart bags and Yellow Boi-Hazard Bags (yes, stolen from the hospital). All the stores around here have mostly white bags and it is hard to find the different colors. It takes about 15 bags for each row. So when I do find a store that has a different c
olor I always ask them to double bag the stuff that I buy. You should see the looks I get from the cashiers when I buy 1 skein of embrodiery floss and ask them to double bag it. HA HA HA!!! What is even better, When I am getting to the end of the project and don't have enough bags to finish, I make Andy run into a store and ask them for 25 bags. Some times he has to go into several stores. It is GREAT, the Embarassment Factor! (ok, I have only made him do that once and will probably never ask him to do it again).
Anyway, I am always looking for different color bags. So if you find a store with bags other than white or yellow, please let me know. And if you don't mind, Save your bags for me, PLEASE!!