Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Salt Lake Day

Salt Lake City
Jim had a Doctor appointment in Salt Lake and so we decided to take a ROAD TRIP. I know Salt Lake is not a big deal, but we have SPRING FEVER. So we dropped off dad at the clinic and the BOYS and I went exploring.

This is what we found. . .

The Capitol Building!

I have never really been this close to the capitol building and although it was under construction I thought it was amazing.

Liberty Park?

To the side and a long hike down from the capitol was this cute little park. I think it was a memorial to some service men. I loved the little Meditation Chapel.

Next stop. . . Temple Square!

Wow, I need to go there more often. There have been a lot of new things added. I loved the little family presentation. There was even a lady missionary from Russia that we talked too.

This one is for you, Anita!
Maybe if you went to my church, your kids could walk on water like mine can!

Then we walked through the Church Office Building and there was this sweet little lady that asked us if we wanted to go to the top of the building.


What a view!

Then we picked up daddy and went to lunch right down town at a Carls Jr. It was crazy, we had to pay a quarter to use the bathroom.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Poor Tyler

Tyler has been trying so hard to NOT get his 2 front teeth pulled. The problem was . . . The new teeth were already coming in and they were pushing the old ones into CRAZY directions.
They HAD to come out.

So after some Tylenol, Oral Gel, and some other numbing solution, we convinced Tyler that it was time those teeth were YANKED OUT!

The Tooth Fairy knew what on Ordeal Tyler had to go through, so she left him $5.00! WOW ! ! !

I think he should take me out to lunch now!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thing 1 & Thing 2

Thing 1 & Thing 2

Today at school was dress as your favorite Dr. Seuss character. Of course my boys ARE Thing 1 & Thing 2, so there was no other option.

I found these Fuzzy Blue Hats at the dollar store and then went to Wal-Mart and got these Red Shirts.

They are just the Perfect Thing 1 & Thing 2.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pretend Beach Day

Gotta Love the Beach!

Ok, So this is totally Photoshopped. But we still have snow and we really needed a Beach Day!

What do you get with
White Sheets,
2 Cuties in Swimming Suits
and Photoshop?

A Pretend Beach Day ! ! !

Monday, March 3, 2008


Here are the rules. You must post the rules before you give your answers. You must list one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name. Each fact must begin with that letter. If you don't have a middle name, just use your maiden name. After you've been tagged, you need to up-date your blog with your middle name and answers. At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and need to read your blog for details).

Kristi you are going to PAY for this! ! !

M - uuuuummmmm..... Maybe MOOSE. Since our last name is Moosmann and EVERYONE calls us MOOSEman... I would really like to have a Moose Lodge. Instead I have a house with a few Moose decorations and trinkets.

A - uuuhhhhh...... Well..... uummm.... no.... Maybe...... AIRHEAD, that is it! I am the biggest Airhead. My hair may be red, but my friends say that I am just a Rusty Blonde.

R - Righteous, NO.... Ready, NO, I am always late.... Round. That is it. I am ROUND! I know that is not a good thing. I know I need to loose some weight. This is just my baby fat (my baby is 7) OK this summer I will exercise more.

I - Intelligent?!?! Well, I am a nurse. That has to show some intelligence. Too bad I am more of an Airhead than a Brilliant Person.

E - ok?!?!? Excitable? It doesn't take much. I get excited over anything. Then I usually obsess about it. Right now it is taking pictures. And, of course, I am GOOD at it. (So I say) Then I go out and spend a lot of money. So I have been buying Props lately. Did I show you my Giant Tea Cup? Well here it is. I didn't have any babies to put in it the first night I bought it so I tourtured my poor animals. (they loved it... ok maybe not)